Hallo nama gue Rudi Apriadi, tapi nama asli gue Apriadi Rudi , eh bukan, tapi Rudi apriadi. Status gue sekarang ini masih pelajar, yang pasti belum menikah, kalo udah nanti gue di keroyokin ma guru-guru di sekolah gue, meskipun status gue masih lajang, gue tetep nggak demen ama nenek-nenek. Terms sudah junjung ke blog ini s . Semoga menikmati dan enjoy tuk baca tugas gue....

Sabtu, 02 Oktober 2010

My future

My name is Rudy, I am 16 years old. I always post history about my life in the blog and I always look for information in Internet about blog.

In the future, I will be a writer, I will create many books about my life, many people, country, the world and everything, and after that books are sold, I want to give my books to many people who may be important to visit without money.

I belive that at that time, any people will respond well my books and will inspirate to create a book after reading my books. Amiinnn. I want you pray for my future!!!.... heheheeee...

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